Psychiatric Services

Diagnostic Evaluation

A comprehensive diagnostic evaluation is the first step towards determining the nature and the severity of the problems. Our therapists and psychiatrists will conduct a psychiatric assessment that includes understanding the current problem, medical history, pertinent details from the past, social and family information, as well as direct observations during the assessment process. This diagnostic evaluation determines the accurate diagnosis and is thus a crucial component in recommending the appropriate level of care, options of evidence-based treatment modalities, and individualized treatment goals.

Medication Management

Our psychiatrists provide medication management by prescribing the appropriate medications, providing education to patients, ensuring patient compliance with a medication regimen, and monitoring the potential side effects from medications. The important goal of medication management is to achieve definitive outcomes that improve a patient’s quality of life. Our psychiatrists at CBHS use their clinical judgment and expertise to choose the right medications to benefit patients by reducing or eliminating debilitating symptoms and thus helping them function at their fullest potential.

Call us at +1-856-399-1010 to schedule an appointment or request an appointment online